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Ten Reasons to Eat Less Meat! (Moooo.....)

Ten reasons why you should eat less meat! We're not asking you to Puasa on Meat to the extent of being a complete vegetarian!
Just eat less meat. Here's why:

1.  Save the rainforest. World Wildlife Fund estimates that, every year, an area of the world's rain forests larger than the state of New York is destroyed to create grazing land. In latin America, some 70% of forests in the Amazon basin have been cut down to raise cows. Once the cows are finished, 10 per cent of the grazing ground will be dry, arid and desert like.

2.  Refresh the air, Reduce the temperature . If you've ever driven by a poultry/ cattle farm, you've probably had to hold your nose. No wonder. About 1.4 billion metric tons of solid manure are produced by U.S. farm animals each year - 130 times the quantity produced by people. In Malaysia, these farms are often associated with hygiene issues. Cattle and sheep are notorious for the amount of Methane they produce. Methane stores heat 20 times greater than good ol CO2! This is a very direct link to global warming.

3. For your Health's Sake. Poultry and Farm animals are are fattened up using hormones like steroids, beta-agonists, testosterone and progesterone. You know how long it takes for a factory chicken to reach market size from an egg? 40 days. A Kampung Chicken would normally take around 6 months or even more. If fact the growth rate is so unnatural their legs break under the unnatural weight. If humans were to grow at that rate, we would weigh kg by the time we're 10 years old. To learn more chicken farming, click here
Antibiotics are also used wantonly to keep the bugs away.The Union of Concerned Scientists reports that about 70% of all antibiotics made in the U.S. are used for livestock.  Residuals from the antibiotics are in turn taken up by us, and it certainly does not make us any healthier.
4. Save water. Have you heard that 1 billion people in the world don't have access to clean water? Much of the worlds water in channeled for lifestock feed and the rest are polluted by lifestock waste. When surface and ground water is polluted with the synthetic sex hormones, aquatic creatures such as frogs and fish are rendered sterile and unable to breed.

5. Feed more people. It takes about 9kgs of grain to produce a 1kg of beef. It takes 4kgs of grain to produce 1 kg of chicken. IWhy not convert that grain (and the resources used to grow it) into more food more people can eat? In certain parts of africa, to make a meal of gruel more filling, it is mixed with red mud and baked into mud biscuits. Wouldn't it be nice to spare some grain for them?

6. Stop Climate change. Food is the third largest contributor to the average household's carbon footprint after driving and utilities. If people simply cut their meat intake from the average 90 kg/year to 53 kg/yr, meat-associated carbon emissions would drop by 44 percent.

7. Have some compassion. Many livestock and dairy cattle are raised in cruel and inhumane conditions where they must be injected with antibiotics so they'll fatten up and seem healthy.  The Union of Concerned Scientists reports that about 70% of all antibiotics made in the U.S. are used to fatten up livestock. 

8. Avoid being mummified alive. In addition to hormones and antibiotics, conventional meat producers routinely process their products using chemical additives and preservatives like phosphates and sodium nitrites. Those are what makes hotdogs pink in colour. Sodium nitrites may react with amino acides to form carvinogenic nitrosamines; various studies have found a link between high processed-meat consumption and colon cancer, possibly attributable to preservatives like sodium nitrite.

9. Live longer. frequent red meat consumption increases the likelihood of heart attacks and high blood pressure.

10. Save money. Meat is usually the most expensive item you put in your shopping cart. Buy less meat, and shift the savings to organic fruits and vegetables.

The Sixth Extinction fromRosamundwo.com

(Photo: oneplanetonelife.com)

“Every 20 minutes we lose an animal species. If this rate continues, by century’s end, 50% of all living species will be gone. It is a phenomenon known as the sixth extinction. The fifth extinction took place 65 million years ago when a meteor smashed into the Earth, killing off the dinosaurs and many other species and opening the door for the rise of mammals.”

Our planet has been shaken by 5 major extinctions in the 4 billion year history of life.

First Extinction

Climate change (severe and sudden global cooling) lead to mass extinction in marine life (little or no life existed on land at that time).

Watch all videos in youtube

Episode 01: Death Rays: Four hundred and fifty million years ago, a deadly burst of gamma rays triggered the first mass extinction in the history of planet Earth. The ozone layer was blasted apart, powerful ultraviolet rays from the sun poured in unchecked. The climate was utterly ruined and soon the Earth plummeted into a long, torturous Ice Age. Animals in the ocean were decimated by this horrific disaster and the hunters now became the hunted. Eighty-five percent of animal life — accounting for two-thirds of all species — was wiped out… but all was not lost. Miraculously, the disaster brought hope and renewal.

1of5 – Animal Armageddon – The First Mass Extinction – Death Rays

2of5 – Animal Armageddon – The First Mass Extinction – Death Rays

3of5 – Animal Armageddon – The First Mass Extinction – Death Rays

4of5 – Animal Armageddon – The First Mass Extinction – Death Rays

5of5 – Animal Armageddon – The First Mass Extinction – Death Rays

Second Extinction

The second extinction near the end of the Devonian Period, may or may not have been the result of global climate change, came 350 million years ago, causing the formation of coal forests.

Third Extinctions

At the end of the Permian Period have been complex amalgams of climate change perhaps rooted in plate tectonics movements. Very recently, however, evidence suggests that a bolide impact similar to the end-Cretaceous event may have been the cause.

Fourth Extinctions

The event at the end of the Triassic Period, shortly after dinosaurs and mammals had first evolved, also remains difficult to pin down in terms of precise causes.

Fifth Extinction

The fifth mass extinction, probably caused by a giant meteor collision, occurred 65 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period, and ended the reptilian dominance of the Earth. This led to the current mammalian domination of the Earth.

Sixth Extinction?

Can we stop the sixth mass extinction from happening and save our own species? We are in a biodiversity crisis — the fastest mass extinction in Earth’s history, largely due to:

* human destruction of ecosystems
* overexploitation of species and natural resources
* human overpopulation
* the spread of agriculture
* pollution

All mass extinctions prior to the Holocene occurred through cataclysmic natural events; asteroids, meteors, and comets colliding with earth, massive volcanic eruptions, and drops in sea levels and temperatures during ice ages.  According to numerous scientists, the modern Holocene mass extinction is largely attributable to human activity

How to combat extinction?

1. Learn more about extinction and spread the word
2. Take steps to address our carbon footprint. Climate change, for example, creates habitat loss which in turn, leads to extinctions.
3. Reconsider our eating habits. the meat-based diet requires deforestation
4. Recognize the toll of (human) overpopulation

Photo: rgblogcast

Reference: planetgreen.discovery.com